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Client Success Stories

Marble Surface

“Smita has made me realise that the answers to my problems are within me. My productivity increased and confidence sky-rocketed after the sessions with her. She celebrated my small successes and helped me overcome my challenges. I have now started to believe that my goals are within reach.”

- Meghana, Vice  President in one of India's Leading Banks. Meghana worked with Smita on career clarity roadmap

Marble Surface

“Smita has a very structured way of looking at your issue and uncover the challenges that you didn’t realise you had in the first place. My communication skills have improved and confidence levels elevated, ever since we have been working together. I highly recommend her.”

-Rahul, Leadership Role of a leading MNC Real Estate Services company in India. Rahul worked with Smita to enhance his executive communication skills

Marble Surface

“Smita was a great coach and accountability partner in my Wellness journey. She made me realise that Wellness is a holistic approach rather than a momentary step, helped me lay out a roadmap to enhance my health and then challenged me to exceed my personal targets. I feel physically and emotionally rejuvenated, thanks in no small measure to her. I would highly recommend her to someone looking at wellness and effective workplace stress management.”

-Sapna, Country Manager, Leading Events Management MNC in India. Sapna worked with Smita to manage her wellness and stress levels

Marble Surface

“Smita, due to her background, understands the stresses of a professional career. She lends a patient ear and inculcates techniques to think through many of these challenges. She collaborates with you in structured approach which make you arrive at workable solutions which positively impacts performance.”

- A Singh, Investor, who hired Smita's services to improve his time management, productivity and decision making skills

Marble Surface

“Every session I had with Smita was an “Aha!” moment. Smita helped me identify impactful approaches to improve my executive communication. Her sessions were easy to understand, were linked to the goals I had, and easy to put into practice. I knew what I wanted out of the sessions, and yet have learnt much more against my expectations, and am very grateful to her for that.”

-Dr. Lokho John, Vice President in a leading consulting firm. Smita worked with Lokho to enhance his executive communication skills 

Marble Surface

Smita has kindled the fire in me which has boosted my confidence to the next level. The

coaching sessions were personalized based on my needs. Her tools and techniques have made a profound impact in my communication and presentation skills. I strongly recommend Smita for those who looking for transformation in their career and life.

- Lija, Senior Woman Leader in a leading IT Services MNC. Lija worked with Smita to enhance her communication and confidence

Marble Surface

The coaching has been really rewarding. Smita created an environment where we could have open conversations and get my concerns addressed. She is phenomenal listener and gave me fantastic tips to work toward my objectives. I can say I have become lot more confident person than I was before these sessions! Would recommend her to anyone who feel they are
stuck in their life and looking for guidance and clarification.”

- Kiran H, a senior finance leader at a leading MNC in India. Kiran hired Smita's services to enhance his executive communication skills

Marble Surface

“Smita has helped me to see better future through coaching. On a professional front, she has helped me work out a clear plan, encouraged me to set higher goals for myself. When I started the
journey of career advancement, I was bit anxious, but as days progressed, I became more
confident and started seeing positive results.

- Mahesh, Senior Leader in a multinational technology services company. Mahesh hired Smita’s services for career clarity, roadmap and transition

Marble Surface

“Smita knows what great communication is all about. She helped me overcome my inhibitions of presentations and provided simple yet powerful tips to articulate my thoughts in a clear, concise manner. I would highly recommend her to those looking to enhance their executive communication skills.”

- Preenu, senior leader in India's fast-food company. Preenu hired Smita's services to enhance his executive communication 

Marble Surface

Smita knows what good communication sounds like, and she imparts it in a manner which is astonishingly simple to understand and implement. Working with her has helped me become a more confident and impactful communicator. As a coach, she walks the talk when it comes to executive communication.

- Ajay, senior leader with a leading retail company in India. Ajay worked with Smita to enhance his executive communication 

Marble Surface

After 2 months of coaching with Smita, my attitude, my perspective towards myself as a professional and as a human being has changed 360 degrees. She demonstrates a unique sense of importance in my life and her insights and directions are always aimed towards my betterment as an individual. I feel very supported and backed in the accomplishment of my goals. I would want to connect every week throughout my life with her, my life would not be the same without Smita as my coach.”

- Deepti Nanda, Telecom Professional. Deepti worked with Smita to enhance her communication and boost her confidence

Marble Surface

I have been going through Smita’s leadership program for the past few weeks and she has been a successful part of my development program. She helps me focus, guides me whenever I am wrong,

understands me well, gives me an opportunity to think through and express my views. She gives me the right feedback as and when required. I am more confident now. Some of the tips that she

provided really helped me build great relationships with people we work together. Thanks, Smita for

all the efforts put in. I would definitely recommend Smita to all my friends. She is amazing.”

- Bhanu, HR Leader in an IT company. Bhanu worked with Smita to enhance her communication and confidence

Marble Surface

It’s important to balance your prior learnings and the future path which one is planning to traverse for achieving growth and Smita wonderfully helps you to develop the same. Each task which she suggests are designed in accordance with the demand of the situation in your transformation journey. She also gives you the freedom to improvise your approach and provide you critical evaluation over the same. I highly recommend her for people focused on self-development and achieving their career goals. The results will come along with the process provided one is committed and focused.”

- Gaurang Gupta, Senior Procurement Services Professional in India’s leading FMCG company. Gaurang worked with Smita for career clarity and job change 

Marble Surface

All the sessions were excellent. Smita’s coaching has greatly improved my communication and boosted my confidence and self-esteem. It was a pleasure working with her and I highly recommend her to others.

- Deepak,  Senior Technical Leader working in leading IT services company. Deepak worked with Smita to enhance his communication skills

Marble Surface

I clicked with Smita right from the first session and am her biggest fan now. She seems to know it all. She has instilled confidence in me, and moreover, self-value. I cannot thank her enough for her guidance.”

- Prabhmit, Senior Service Delivery Leader in a leading IT company. Prabhmit worked with Smita to enhance her communication and confidence

Marble Surface

“Smita’s personal coaching to improve on Executive communication was incredibly valuable to me. Her advice was specific, relevant and provided in a structured manner that made me easy to put into practice.”

- Vijay P, a senior leader in one of India’s leading textile companies. Vijay hired Smita’s services to enhance his executive communication skills

Marble Surface

This eight-week program has been an exciting journey for me where it helped first me to look

inward and then improve my verbal and non-verbal communication. The sessions helped me to

develop strategies for improving my communication and image at my workplace and gain confidence and stature.”

- Bipin, senior finance leader in a manufacturing firm in India. Bipin worked with Smita to enhance his executive communication 

Marble Surface

Smita was a good sounding board for my problems and perspectives. She patiently listened to me and helped me explore new perspectives about my situation. She showed respect for my situation and made me feel validated and her ideas have brought me closer to solutions. I highly recommend working with her.

- Himanshu, senior leader in a leading Indian retail company. Himanshu worked with Smita for career clarity and direction

Marble Surface

Smita listened to my goals, aspirations, and challenges with empathy. In many cases she was able to offer interesting perspectives. She was easy to work with and offered a bag of techniques that helped put several goals on the right path.”

- Supreet, a senior leader in an IT company. Supreet worked with Smita for career clarity and progression

Marble Surface

I worked with Smita and this was my first time with a coach. She has been very patient

and been very helpful in showing the mirror. Her ideas are surely going to help me to be a better leader.”

- S Bakshi, a senior leader in an IT company in India, who hired Smita's services to enhance his leadership skills 

Marble Surface

“Having worked with multiple coaches in a two-decade and a half career, I can safely say that Smita is one of the most committed coaches I have come across. She is able to listen well, and ask probing questions for the coachees to come up with solutions. She was able to get to the root of the issue in my case early and offer a specific tool to address it. Recommend her strongly to anyone looking for transformation in any aspect of their life.”

-Madhumita Chakraborty. Madhumita hired Smita's coaching services to transition to a full-time corporate role after a semi sabbatical

Marble Surface

“The sessions with Smita have opened a new avenue towards the least focused domain of my life. Our interactions on financial avenues have already led me to take some initiatives which were hitherto not my forte. The progress due to coaching has been very affirmative and has allowed me to take a firm grip on my financial position and goals. Hope to abide by the principles of money, savings and investments. I appreciate the positive and reassuring guidance of Smita and highly recommend her. ”

- A Singh, a senior officer in the Indian Navy, who availed Smita's coaching services to get clarity on and achieve his financial goals

Marble Surface

Smita was great! I came to her with a personal and professional dilemma. We ended up tackling some habits that I wanted to change and inefficiencies in my career. I enjoyed the homework she gave because it changed my perspective towards looking at things to a
positive point of view. It is an ongoing process. I would highly recommend anyone to Smita who is truly serious about making a change in their life and career

- Madhuri Sewale, a working professional in a global BFSI company. Madhuri worked with Smita to improve her social and workplace communication 

Marble Surface

“Smita helped me to set my life and career goals and see my path to achieve them clearly, and enabled to shift to a bigger perspective and helped me appreciate my life better with her observations and ideas. We all go through times when we need an impartial and non-judgmental professional advice to sort the cobwebs in our mind.  We then see ourselves in new light and become much more confident of ourselves. For such positive impact in career and life we must without hesitation reach out to coaches like Smita. My best wishes to her! ”

- Tapasya Pundir. Tapasya hired Smita's services to restart her career after a break

Marble Surface

“I got to learn many things while working with Smita. Most importantly, I got to realise my true value that enhanced my confidence. It was really nice talking to her and have her as my coach.”

-E Peerzade, a Digital Marketing Professional, who hired Smita's services to get over anxiety and stress during public speaking

Marble Surface

“Smita has been a supportive coach. She has helped me analyze and form a clearer roadmap to achieve my goal. She also keeps you motivated by applying the approach which suits you the best. ”

- Meetali, Student. Meetali hired Smita's services for career clarity and roadmap post her post-graduation, and also decide on the best post-graduation option.

Marble Surface

Smita is an awesome coach. In our first session itself, she helped me articulate my goals in a measurable and time-bound manner. I had come to her with a particular concern, and she made me discover that the underlying root cause is something else. Taking her sessions was one of the best professional decisions that I made.”

- A Senior Woman Leader working in a Big 4 Company in India

Marble Surface

“Smita helped me arrive at a clear roadmap to work towards my goals. She effortlessly made me come out with smart action steps to achieve my goals and supported me to be self-reliant in achieving them. Working with her was one of the best investments that I have made in myself.”

- A Senior Leader in a Leading MNC in India

Marble Surface

“Smita was a patient listener and helped put my issues in perspective. I learnt to put myself high up in her priority list while working with her, which boosted my confidence levels. She is an excellent coach whom I would highly recommend to others.”

-Savitha, a senior leader in IT services. Savitha worked with Smita to enhance her communication and confidence levels 

Marble Surface

“I still remember when and how I reached out to Smita. I was not feeling excited to wake up everyday and not enjoying my 9-5 job. I knew I had to change something but wasn’t quite sure. How? When? What? Those were the questions running through my mind. I think I can safely say that she helped me chalk out a plan to make an industry shift while catering to all the hindrances I had. I would highly recommend her to help create a better future for you! ”

- An ex-Deloitte Employee. Smita helped her work out her career transition roadmap option

Marble Surface

Smita’s sessions added a lot of value and provided me a new perspective on productivity, organisation and time management. She heard what I said and incorporated my feedback continuously during the program. It was great working with her.”

- Nitin, Business Owner. Smita helped Nitin improve his time management and social networking skills

Marble Surface

Smita helped me use simple, implementable ideas to improve the efficacy of my daily work &

interactions. She helped me realize about the self-doubt and fear of speaking up that I had developed over time. Helped me understand the importance of constant communication –

formal & informal – between me and various stakeholders and use of various mediums.”

-AV, a senior professional working with a leading bank in India. AV worked with Smita for career progression and growth

Marble Surface

Smita is very thorough in her understanding of the challenges faced by her clients. She is an excellent listener and provides instant solution to your day-to-day work problems. It feels very

exciting working with her and sharing the challenges with her.

-Rohit, an IT professional with a leading US based company. Rohit hired Smita’s services to improve his time management and executive communication skills 

Marble Surface

Smita has helped me to organize my professional and personal life. Her personal coaching has transformed me completely. She changed my thought process to be more organized, more proactive, and focus on important work.
I always used to complete the professional goals, but they were with urgency and with stress. But now, with her approach and techniques, I am always one step ahead in all my goals and activities.
Her strong point is to make me understand and follow her techniques in day-to-day activities. Her communication is excellent. She is very good in explaining the concept and its importance, which made me apply those concepts in my personal and professional life.
I have started seeing positive results in my personal and professional life.

Thank you so much, Smita, for your valuable guidance. I recommend Smita to anyone who is looking for personal and professional growth.

- Rajiv Karambalkar, Director Application Development at ADP, USA. Rajiv worked with Smita to enhance his time management, leadership and Executive Communication skills

Marble Surface

I was lost & confused with my career goals and aspirations and had a lot of negative angst when it came to coping up with toxic roles in my past career. Smita has helped me introspect and find the answers within myself and now, I have a direction to my career path and goals. I feel more confident & aware of myself and most importantly value myself better. Kudos to her

to help empower me for a better future ahead.”

- Mohanish Rao Ghorpade, Experienced Marketing Professional. Mohanish worked with Smita
to get clarity on his career path and goals

Marble Surface

Smita is an amazing Executive coach with great listening skills & was able to provide a customized improvement plan as per my needs. This coaching really helped me to look at my

improvement areas from a different perspective & have a daily plan to improve them. Thanks a lot, Smita, for all your guidance.”

-Tarun, Senior HRIT Professional. Tarun worked with Smita to enhance his executive communication and public speaking skills

Marble Surface

I had the pleasure of working with Smita D Jain over the past few months and I cannot express enough how much of a positive impact she had on my professional growth. Her insights and techniques were spot-on, and helped me to find clarity, confidence and direction in my career. I was impressed with her ability to challenge me and push me outside of my comfort zone, while providing a safe and supportive environment for me to learn and grow. Smita is truly an exceptional coach and I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for guidance and support in their professional development.

-Malika, a senior professional in Media & Entertainment sector. Malika took Smita’s services for better career clarity and embarking on a new career path 

Marble Surface

I have been exploring different avenues to improve my communications and public speaking. I have attended many classroom and online trainings and explored different books. But I still felt that there is scope for improvements. Although I had been contemplating to work with a communication coach for some-time, I was initially sceptical about the coaching programs in general. And I took some-time to decide to speak with Smita for a session. I believe it was the best decision I took.


From the first session itself, Smita created a bespoke coaching program based on my needs and followed through the progress diligently. Smita is a patient listener and her coaching approach is non-judgmental. She understood my needs in details before providing solutions. She created a safe environment for me discuss my concerns and inhibitions.


The coaching program has provided me a roadmap for continuous improvement and I am a lot more confident to achieve my goals. Thank you Smita!

- Amit, a senior professional working in India’s e-commerce company. Amit worked with Smita to enhance his public speaking and executive communication skills

Marble Surface

You are great coach and I deeply value the time we have spent together and the progress you have helped me make in my life. I wouldn't be this far along in my goals or have this much courage to push forward without your support. Thanks a ton for all your online session support and also for supporting offline whenever needed.”

- NB, an experienced professional in the IT sector. NB hired Smita’s service for confidence building and career clarity

Marble Surface

In search of clarity and a cure for my procrastination, I turned to Smita. With her guidance, I discovered my top three goals and zeroed in on the most crucial one. Smita’s wisdom helped me expand my network by venturing out of my comfort zone and engaging in small talk with new people. She kept me on track with rewards and gentle reminders, always approachable and ready to answer any questions. Now, I feel invigorated and confident in my career path, all thanks to Smita’s coaching.”

-Ashwin.S, IT professional , Working at Fiserv. Smita worked with Ashwin to provide career clarity and direction

Marble Surface

My sessions with Smita were very productive. It gave me a good perspective of the areas of focus for my professional development and improvement. The weekly focus goals were simply awesome as they helped put theory to practice and discuss the outcomes each week. What I really liked was that the coaching was very well structured around my needs and the results I wanted to achieve and not a one size fits all. I would highly recommend using Smita for anyone looking to empower themselves to get better at what they do.

-Unnikrshnan Kurup, Director at a Digital Consulting Firm. Unni hired Smita’s service to enhance his executive communication skills

Marble Surface

Smita is a highly skilled and professional coach. She is insightful, thought-provoking and always provides valuable feedback. I have found her sessions to be very beneficial in terms of helping me to better understand myself and my work. She is a valuable resource and I would highly recommend her services to anyone looking for help in developing their career.

- Siddhesh Mithbavkar, Associate Director, LTIMindtree. Smita worked with Siddhesh for effective time management and better career clarity and direction

Marble Surface

Coaching was perfectly designed based on the needs and technics thought and materials provided to improve communication is simple and effective. Dedication shown by Smita Jain throughout the session is impressive.”

- Anand, a senior leader in financial services. Anand hired Smita’s service to improve his public speaking and executive communication skills

Marble Surface

Smita is a terrific listener and great at identifying key concern, even if you are unaware of the same. Her advice was never too unachievable, which helped me stay on track and adapt a strategy to resolve these issues, during and beyond the set sessions.”

-Dr. Gayatri Phadke, Deputy Manager at Enago. Smita worked with Gayatri for career clarity and direction

Marble Surface

“The coaching sessions have been very productive, and insightful. They allowed me to identify areas to focus upon and grow as a person.

Smita crafted a personalised plan, tailored to my specific needs. It helped me focus on getting the desired outcomes. And, setting weekly focus goals helped me stay on course. Throughout the sessions, I felt that I made tangible progress, which is the hallmark of a great coach.

Thank you, Smita, for helping me in my journey.”

-Sandeepan, IT Professional. Sandeepan worked with Smita for career clarity and direction and executive communication skills

Marble Surface

It was indeed a transformational experience for me. Being a Psychologist with 16 years of experience in applied behavioural science, I had a complete perceptual change and a solid transformation through my coaching session with Ms. Smita. Some of the effective and key learnings are Keep it Simple, Positivity in looking at any problems and go with the Confident Can-do attitude. I felt safe and open to learning through the sessions. The effectiveness of the learning was reflected in my personality growth.

- Sandeep PS, Seasoned Senior Psychologist. Smita worked with Sandeep for career clarity and confidence building 

Marble Surface

It has been a great experience getting into a coaching relationship with Coach Smita. Since it was my first time getting into such kind of an arrangement, I had no clue what was coming on my way. However, the journey has been very good and I am expecting positive results coming on my way from the learnings. Coach Smita has been a very patient listener, clearly understanding my thoughts, emotions and aspirations.”

- Gautam, Senior Finance Professional. Smita worked with Gautam to enhance his communication skills

Marble Surface

We frequently look for improvement outside of ourselves. However, there is immense potential for personal development that we often ignore or refuse to acknowledge. This course aids in recognizing those gaps and inspires improvement in the learner. I heartily urge everyone to enroll in this course in order to fill in the gaps and upgrade to a “Self 2.0”.”

- Sunith, Senior  Professional at an Indian Conglomerate. Smita worked with Sunith to enhance his executive skills 

Marble Surface

I always look forward to my sessions with Smita.


Before I met Smita, I was very scattered in my thought process. Working with her has helped me structure my thoughts and be more organized in general.


Looking forward to my upcoming sessions with Smita.

-Himani Khatri, Associate Director at a leading insurance firm in India. Smita has been working with Himani for a year in various areas

Marble Surface

Smita has helped unleash a new dimension in me. She has helped me be more positive and growth-oriented. My life has turned around in a 360 way. I am very happy that I came across Smita at a crucial juncture of my life and she helped me get out of my mundane life.

Thanks, Smita, and God bless!

- Pushkala, a senior professional in financial services. Smita worked with Pushkala for career clarity, confidence building and executive communication

Marble Surface

Smita has been a very good coach/mentor who takes pride in one’s growth and transformation. She is very involved in your everyday life and suggests a personalized change in ways to make a difference in one’s life which her coaching ways unique and successful.”

- Subash, a Creative Professional. Smita worked with Subash for career clarity and direction

Marble Surface

I had an excellent experience with Smita and the program really helped me identify my weak areas and Smita’s suggestions and guidance were instrumental in working on them. The tasks provided were catered to my focus goals and were really helpful in achieving my target.”

- Parag Srivastava, Partner, Bombay Law Chambers. Smita worked with Parag to enhance his social communication skills and self-confidence levels

Marble Surface

Smita gave me amazing techniques to improve my executive communication which are practical and easily implementable. I have already started many of these techniques in my professional environment and its providing me good results.

-Nishant Shah, Associate Director, PwC.
Smita coached Nishant on Executive Communication Skills 

Marble Surface

In my journey with Smita I am grateful for the progress I have made in my thoughts and actions. She has been patient with me and guided me through many decisions that I had been trying to make for sometime now. I hope to grow more with her and wish she can help many others.

- G, Entrepreneur. Smita worked with G on confidence building, communication and developing emotional resilience

Marble Surface

Smita is able to help her clients resolve the customized problem statement they come to her with without following a rigid coaching template. She is able to deep dive to even understand and resolve the other areas that need addressing around a key issue.”

Tanvi, a marketing professional. Smita coached Tanvi on career clarity and transition

Marble Surface

Smita is amazing at her work, she is well versed with the Indian Job Market. I do recommend her to freshers, looking out for jobs, unaware of the process of recruitment.”

- M, a law professional. Smita worked with M on career clarity roadmap

Marble Surface

Coach Smita is superb subject matter expert. I really enjoyed the session received excellent solutions of my problems. I strongly recommend her for communication and career advices.

-Shalabh, senior professional in automobile industry. Smita worked with Shalabh to enhance his executive communication skills

Marble Surface

I must say Smita is a great coach. She helped me in discovering my strengths and blind spots. Her personalized coaching format tools are appropriate, helping me to refine my leadership & management techniques.

- Rishi Jain,
VP Engineering in a leading bank in India. Smita worked with Rishi to enhance his executive communication skills 

Marble Surface

Smita listens to me without judgement and helps me co-develop a new strategy to achieve my solution. My life is so much better now in the areas that I am working on with her since the start of the program. I highly recommend her.”

JJ, senior content leader. Smita worked with JJ to enhance her executive communication skills.

Marble Surface

Smita is a great coach and listens to client’s problems and understand their situation. She helps to create actionable plans to achieve targeted results.”

Deepak S, leader in a Big 4 firm. Smita worked with Deepak to enhance his executive communication skills.

Marble Surface

Smita genuinely cares & listens very attentively to understand where i am coming from.


With my past experience and goals in mind, she comes up with practical and doable action plans which are measurable. Plus, she patiently explains the science behind everything.


I surely look forward to growing professionally and personally with her awesome support.

-Rohit, Senior Director in a new-age tech company. Smita has been working with Rohit for six months in various areas

Marble Surface

The coaching sessions helped me gain a different perspective.


Smita worked with me to lay out focused goals and also shared her own experiences which really helped me gain more confidence in achieving my goals.


I would happily recommend her to anyone who is looking for career guidance and direction.

- Ashwathi, Associate Director in a Big-4 firm. Smita worked with Ashwathi to enhance her leadership skills in a new role

Marble Surface

I liked the concepts and the way it was delivered to me in the sessions & also I observed in each session, coach was very much active and enthusiastic to understand the development areas and expectation of the individual. Program was customized which kept me interesting. I was most fascinated throughout all the sessions, but to pen down one topic in particular was the 5 Rules of communication structure which has taught me to mould and give a good shape to my communication. Overall it is really a satisfactory program for me personally and kudos to Smita & I wish her all the best for her future plans.”

- Magesh, General Manager in a  diversified MNC. Smita worked with Magesh to enhance his executive communication skills

Marble Surface

Working with Smita has been an incredibly enriching experience. Her Lead Management System technique is a very innovative way to communicate effectively with different types of communicators. In these sessions, I not only gained a deeper understanding of myself but also honed my communication skills, especially through storytelling.

Smita's coaching has empowered me to be a better listener and convey my thoughts and emotions with impact, fostering stronger connections with others.


Thanks to her support and expertise, I've achieved personal growth and am now better equipped to navigate life's challenges with a positive mindset. I highly recommend Smita to anyone seeking transformational coaching.”

- Anurag, CXO. Smita worked with Anurag to enhance his executive communication skills

Marble Surface

Working with Smita Das Jain as my coach has been a transformative experience. Their insightful guidance and unwavering support have helped me gain clarity, set meaningful goals, and overcome obstacles.


Thanks to Smita, I have made significant progress in both my personal and professional life, and I highly recommend their coaching services to anyone seeking positive change and growth.

-Sunil, a senior professional in a leading IT services company. Sunil worked with Smita to enhance his confidence and executive communication skills

Marble Surface

Smita was a good sounding board for my issues and challenges and helped me shift to a bigger perspective.


I am inspired to look at my situation as an exciting challenge. I would highly recommend her as a coach.

- SG, Associate Director in a Big-4 firm. SG worked with Smita to enhance his executive communication and confidence

Marble Surface

Smita is an astute coaching with very great attention to needs of the clients. Her observations are very much to the points and her prophecy about the issues reflects her experience in this field. It was certainly an enriching coaching from Smita.”

- Vineet, Senior Finance Professional. Vineet worked with Smita to enhance his executive communication skills

Marble Surface

I had the privilege of working with Ms. Smita Das Jain during my job search, and I can't thank her enough. She provided invaluable guidance, helping me refine my resume, improve my interview skills, and develop a strategic approach to networking. Smita is a methodical, thorough professional who comes prepared with solutions for every session. She helped me navigate the intricate world of networking, offered practical advice on building a professional network, leveraging social media, and making meaningful connections within my industry. She is not just a coach but a true partner in your career journey, and I highly recommend her to anyone looking to achieve their professional goals.”

- Archana K, Senior HR Professional. Archana worked with Smita for career clarity and direction

Marble Surface

Smita is empathetic and an excellent coach.

She helped me look at the situation differently and understand my circle of control better. She also guided me through small steps that can be taken that can unlock and unleash myself fully.

-CC, Senior Director in India's leading FMCG company. Smita worked with CC to enhance her executive presence

Marble Surface

As mentioned by her, Smita  did take that extra effort to continually improve me. She helped me in breaking my shell and come out of it. The motivation I got from her made me realise my potential too. Thanks to her, now I think about myself too. My objectives are clear now.

- SA, PGT Teaching Professional. Smita helped SA on career clarity and confidence building

Marble Surface

Smita helped me build my confidence through simple, effective and practical techniques.”

- S, an IT professional. S worked with Smita to enhance her executive communication and presence

Marble Surface

Smita, I wish I took these coaching sessions long back. Now I feel like I have formulae and I just have do the workings.”

MV, Founder of a leading IT services company. Smita worked with MV to enhance his executive communication and presence

Marble Surface

Working with Smita, I have improved my professional relationships and work performance. She  tackles specific challenges and gives practical inputs to work on at the end of each session. Her techniques helped me in identifying my strengths and improved my work life.  She is kind, understanding but still kept me very accountable. Thank you Smita!

-Srinivas V, a mid-level IT professional. Smita worked with Srinivas to enhance his executive communication skills

Marble Surface

Smita has a unique way to probe you through her questions. She really brought to light some ingrained sabotaging habits of mine. I feel less burdened every week I get to talk with her.

- B, a senior IT Professional. Smita helped B to be more disciplined on his career goals and manage his time more effectively

Marble Surface

Smita is a wonderful coach to work with. She brings results. Period.”

- Navneetha, U.K. based coach. Navneetha worked with Smita to establish her coaching business

Marble Surface

I'm immensely grateful to Smita for her invaluable guidance and different perspectives, which proved instrumental in my negotiation journey. Her expert advice and unwavering support reshaped my approach, providing me right mindset and confidence essential for successful negotiations.

Moreover, her coaching shifted my perspective, helping me see change as an opportunity for growth rather than a challenge to fear. With her support, I've embraced a more positive outlook and approach to life's transitions.”

PA, Head Legal at a large Indian conglomerate. Smita worked with PA on career clarity roadmap, transition plan and enhancing negotiation skills

Marble Surface

I found Smita through a Google search and chose her over other options as I found her work to be more grounded and impactful in serving individualistic needs. I'm quite happy with the progress I've made with her over 8 sessions where not only she shared with me some great insights around effective communication and stakeholder management, but also helped me with her ideas in my day to day situations. I would highly recommend her for people in their mid to senior management levels who are willing to sharpen their executive presence and get clarity on their growth levers.

-Manisha, Head of APAC Tech Sales at a leading tech company. Smita worked with Manisha on career progression and growth strategy

Marble Surface

The coaching session provided a comprehensive understanding of my situation, offering a 360-degree view that enhanced clarity. Through skillful questioning and probing, the Coach guided me to uncover valuable insights and solution tailored to my career dilemma. The effective combination of logical reasoning, ideation, and the establishment of small achievable milestones created a structured and productive path forward successfully eliminating confusion.

- Vinod, senior leader in a leading consumer goods company. Smita helped Vinod on career clarity and confidence building

Marble Surface

“Smita is an extremely good listener, extremely strategic. I have implemented 3-4 suggestions of hers at workplace and have seen an improvement.”

- Anjali, a senior professional in a leading FMCG company. Smita worked with Anjali to enhance her executive communication skills

Marble Surface

Smita is one of the finest coach as she is very supportive and an attentive listener. As a Coach, she empowers her coachee's to be accountable and own the goals/tasks assigned to them during the coaching period. Nevertheless, she understands the paths of the career driven individuals and customises the career path according to the individual goals/desires keeping in mind realistic goals. She has played a pivotal role in my life as a coach as she has provided me with a self driven roadmap which eventually will help me achieve my desired goals.Thank you Smita for the valuable coaching and wish you all the best for helping folks in need of career transitions around the world.”

Priyanka, a senior professional in a leading tech company. Smita worked with Priyanka on career clarity, direction and transition roadmap

Marble Surface

The communication consultations with Smita were top notch. She gave me insights into core concepts of
effective communication, helped me identify areas of concern in my communication while at the same time
navigated my through applying various concepts in professional setting. At the end of these consultations, I
feel confident of applying these concepts and improve my communication skills in a methodical way.

-Amit Pal, Senior Leader in a leading IT company. Smita worked with Amit on enhancing his executive communication skills

Marble Surface

Smita provided a clear guidance on how to proceed and help me achieve some of the short term goals successfully. She is a great listener and tries to provide the right direction to help navigate towards the
objective in mind.

- Samriddhi B, Director and GM in a leading technology MNC. Smita worked with Samriddhi on personal brand building

Marble Surface

“Smita is an absolutely brilliant coach who provides clear guidance on how to approach and subsequently
master your learning areas. I appreciate how she listens patiently and then respectfully pushes you to follow through actions needed to achieve your goals

- SS, Senior Director at a leading R&D MNC. Smita worked with SS to enhance her executive communication skills

Marble Surface

Smita Jain's Empower Coaching program provided me with the tools and strategies I needed to overcome my self-doubt and start to focus on my job hunt.”

R Verma, a senior leader in a Big 4 firm. Smita worked with R on career clarity and transition roadmap

Marble Surface

I am so glad to have been introduced to Smita. She has been patient and worked along with me to show me
a better way to look at things and from a long term perspective.
I am able to have clearer thoughts and plan better without being anxious and overwhelmed about different
I look forward to my sessions with her and the best part is that she listens without being judgmental.
Thank you for your mentoring.

-Niranjana, an IT professional in a leading Indian company. Smita helped Niranjana with workplace stress management and job transition

Marble Surface

I took communication coaching classes with Smita. Her teaching style is conversational, simple and effective.
She gives very actionable todos after each session. This helps with the learning. I had read about some of
the communication frameworks that Smita covered in the class. But she helped me uncover their power by asking me to apply the same in my day today life. E.g. on one occasion I used her teachings to give not one
but three feedbacks to one of my peers! I was very concise and precise in my feedback and it landed well with the person! Had I not taken her coaching, I wouldn't have been able to do it as effectively. I highly recommend Smita and would love to work with her again!

- Pratyush, senior leader in a leading tech MNC. Smita worked with Pratyush on executive communication and leadership skills

Marble Surface

“Smita made me realise that executive communication was a weakness and we engaged to solve it together.
She introduced me to various techniques and methods which helped me structure my communications and
this lead me to improve my confidence and influence others at work. Also, worked together on strengthening
communication style and structure the answer for future interviews and now I feel more confident to pursue other opportunities

- Sahil, a product management professional. Smita worked with Sahil to enhance his executive communication skills

Marble Surface

Smita brings in very good fresh perspectives amd helps shape up the plan of action in a very meaningful and
doable way. She is very personable and has an empathetic approach to the whole coaching process. She is
well versed with various coaching tools and uses them effectively.”

- Amol, Executive Leader. Smita worked with Amol on career clarity and leadership skills

Marble Surface

It was a pleasure working with Smita in this journey. I found her to be very articulative of what challenges her client faces. She is able to connect the dots well to find some of the unexplored areas and help on those too. She really means to help her clients out of the situation. She is an expert when it comes to communication as a practical tool for leadership. I would highly recommend her.

-Senior business leader at a leading global food processing and trading company. Smita helped this leader to build his internal brand and enhance his self-belief

Marble Surface

Smita's coaching sessions have been transformative for me. With her guidance, I've not only clarified my goals but also learned to break them down into manageable steps. Despite the daunting nature of my aspirations, Smita's approach has empowered me to navigate them with confidence, leading to a detailed roadmap for the future. I'm excited to continue this journey, knowing I'm on course towards tangible success."

- Umaid, an independent creative professional. Smita worked with Umaid on career clarity, direction and roadmap

Marble Surface

“Coach Smita Das Jain empowered me to unlock my potential and navigate challenges with confidence and systematic plan. I hope, her insightful guidance and support will help me to break barriers and achieve remarkable results. Highly recommended her coaching services.”

- RKS, a senior IT leader. Smita worked with RKS on career clarity roadmap

Marble Surface

Smita, as a coach, applies a systematic approach to uncover the core of issues. Demonstrating exceptional listening skills and empathy, she addresses client's challenges quiet effectively. Smita advocates for the consistent implementation of small steps to tackle big problems.”

- Anil, Executive Leader in a leading Bank in India. Smita worked with Anil on stress management and transition roadmap 

Marble Surface

Working with Smita has been a truly enriching experience, especially as this was my first foray into career coaching. Together, we've successfully identified key focus areas to enhance my effectiveness at work and broaden my prospects within the wider industry for future opportunities. Each session has been insightful and informative, providing me with valuable strategies to navigate my career path. I'm grateful for Smita's guidance and expertise.

-Sahil Khusro, a senior product leader in a leading tech MNC. Smita helped Sahil to develop his personal brand with internal and external stakeholders

Marble Surface

Smita is a wonderful coach. I approached her for the coaching when I was in a confused state regarding my career growth. She brought clarity into my current situation and devised many tools and techniques to gradually move towards my career goal. Her coaching approach is simple and empathetic."

- Vikas, a senior team leader in an IT company. Smita worked with Vikas on career clarity, direction and roadmap

Marble Surface

“The session were really interesting and insightful. The coach brought in her perspective to the topic which helped me to understand the concept deeper. I really liked the focus goals for the coming weeks which were set before the end of sessions, which was very helpful to transform me.”

- Sanjith V, Global Finance Service Line Leader at a leading consulting company. Smita worked with Sanjith to enhance his executive communication skills

Marble Surface

Smita really understood my challenges clearly and provided right coaching. She also provided guidance on practical situations. I enjoyed interacting with her.”

- Swati Shrivastava, Senior R&D leader in a leading company. Smita worked with Swati to enhance her executive communication and confidence

Marble Surface

I appreciate Smita to working with me on my improvement areas in communication. Her crisp feedback on the topics and easy to implement frameworks helped me to improve my interaction skills.
My experience with the Empower Yourself program with Smita was very enriching and gainful. I was at a stage where I was most of the times feeling overwhelmed. I was struggling with managing my professional situations at a very demanding job and was not prioritizing my self-time much.

-Chirag Dhyani, as senior business leader. Smita worked with Chirag to enhance his executive communication skills

Marble Surface

Throughout the program, Smita helped me explore the causes, my behavioral aspects contributing to those, and further helped me develop techniques to avoid as well as overcome these challenges. In addition to this, Smita helped me navigate situations and decisions by always providing her expert opinion, helping me see different perspectives, and the bigger picture for many aspects related to my work and personal life."

- Almas RS, a senior IT professional based out of Germany. Smita worked with Almas to alleviate her stress levels and move forward in her career

Marble Surface

“Smita passion for coaching makes her stand apart. Her knowledge on the subject is very good. She is able to change the course content as per the audience requirements. She gives examples while explaining the topics which we can relate to.

- Vishal Mishra, a senior IT leader based out of Japan. Smita worked with Vishal to enhance his executive communication skills

Marble Surface

Smita helped me turn things around. I used to get stuck thinking about all the things I needed to do but never had a clear way to start. The structure, schedule, and weekly check-ins we set up made all the difference. Now I feel more focused and I'm finally making progress on my goals.”

- Harshit Sethi, Senior ML Engineer, based out of Australia. Smita worked with Harshit on goal setting, time management and disciplines approach to career growth

Marble Surface

Working with Smita Jain was transformative. Her targeted approach, which included focusing on structured communication, listening skills, and assertive communication, helped me deal with my apprehension about presenting to senior leadership. Over eight insightful sessions, she provided clear weekly goals and effectively tracked my progress, empowering me to enhance my vocabulary and presentation skills substantially.

-Remya A, a senior business leader working in a diversified MNC conglomerate. Smita worked with Remya to enhance her executive communication and presentation skills

Marble Surface

The sessions were highly insightful and enabled me to excel in various aspects of communication. Smita guided me through different concepts and helped me overcome my fear of public speaking."

- Parvathi C, a marketing professional working in a leading Indian company. Smita helped Parvathi to overcome her fear of public speaking and enhance her communication skills 

Marble Surface

“I reached out to Smita when there was complete turmoil & upheaval in my career which turned out to the best decision. Smita as a coach made me feel heard & helped navigate this period.


The best part of Smita is she does not use a one size fit formula & tailor her coaching skills to meet the requirement. Her coaching skills her structured but flexible & more importantly practical based rather than theoretical or bookish based.


We all need help at some stage but feel hesitant to ask for. Smita makes you feel comfortable which in turn helps to open up & get the required guidance in the specific area. Problem based solutioning, AI based coaching summary, relevant materials for reference & goals oriented empathetic coaching are the key highlights. If you want to change & empower yourself, take the first step & enroll in the highly recommended Smita’s “Empower Yourself program.”

- Anand, a finance professional in a leading MNC bank. Smita worked with Anand to enhance his leadership skills

Marble Surface

The coaching sessions with Smita were very valuable. She created a plan for me with timelines so I know when to complete what and what are the next steps.  I would strongly recommend her for all those who are looking to start a career in coaching.”

- Debjani, an IT professional. Smita worked with Debjani for transition plan to become a coach 

Marble Surface

Finding my Anchors! Going through change management has been stressful for me.. Smita has helped find the personal and professional anchors for me. With her help , have been able to carve out the goals.

-SL, GM in a leading FMCG company. Smita worked with SL to uncover his career anchors and discover his passions

Marble Surface

When I came to Smita, I was really stressed about my career  and was lacking clarity. She heard me out  and helped me to understand situation in better way. She helped me to develop new perspective and plan to work upon. I am less stressed and have more clarity now."

- Anurag T, a senior professional working in a leading Indian bank. Smita worked with Anurag to enhance his confidence

Marble Surface

“Smita helped me understand the areas where I can improve and helped me with simple things which I can do in my daily life. I could understand them as I could notice those things in my way of talking. I would recommend her to anyone looking for voaching guidance.

- Rohit, Associate Director in a Big 4 firm. Smita worked with Rohit to enhance his communication skills

Marble Surface

Smita listens carefully and is able to get to the heart of the matter quite quickly, and has sound and sensible strategies to work on the actionable aspects of one's goals and concerns. 

This speed from a potentially nebulous concern to a clarified goal and possible immediate action is incredibly useful, as is her ability to keep shorter term goals linked to long term objectives.

- A startup founder. Smita worked with him for goal-setting and time management 

Marble Surface

Smita is a committed professional who is passionate about her work.
She has the ability to understand the clients needs and works hard to bring a plan to achieve the desired goals. I highly recommend Smita as success partner in your journey.

-NK, a UAE based leader in a Big4. Smita worked with NK to develop a leadership mindset and enhance his interpersonal skills

Marble Surface

Working with Smita has been transformative for my communication skills. Her expert guidance helped me articulate my thoughts clearly and confidently in varied situations, significantly improving both my professional and personal interactions. I highly recommend her coaching to anyone looking to elevate their communication game.

- Saumya, Professional Consultant. Smita worked with Saumya to enhance her communication skills and confidence

Marble Surface

“Working with Smita has truly elevated my communication. Her insightful guidance boosted my confidence and helped me to communicate with clarity and impact. I highly recommend Smita to anyone seeking to enhance their communication and personal growth.

- Ritika, Head HR in a leading company. Smita worked with Ritika to enhance her executive communication skills

Marble Surface

Within a very short arrangement, Ms. Smita helped me understand and brought a new perspective in my communication strategy. Ms. Smita's coaching approach is precise and inspiring.

- Om Prasad Chetry, a senior leader working in a PSU. Smita worked with Om to enhance his executive communication skills

Marble Surface

The sessions provided insightful and creative solutions for the situations that I though were difficult to handle. With the help of these ideas and regular sessions with Smita, I have developed thoughtful and clear objectives towards my contribution to my organization as well as my expectations from the organization. Most importantly, I now am equipped with the tools to achieve these objectives.

-SG, a senior leader in a financial services firm. Smita worked with SG on executive communication skills and career clarity

Marble Surface

I had the pleasure of attending coaching sessions with Smita, which were highly structured and focused on one key subject at a time. Through in-depth analysis and relatable real-life examples, Smita made complex concepts easily relatable.


Throughout the program, Smita comprehensively covered various facets of communication, offering valuable insights that are rarely found in one place.


This course has empowered me to find my voice. I've shed my inhibitions and become a more natural, assured speaker.


I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone seeking to polish their communication skills. 

- Atish, a senior leader in an automobile MNC. Smita worked with Atish to enhance his executive communication

Marble Surface

“Working with Smita has been transformative for my communication skills. She provided me with practical techniques that significantly improved my ability to articulate ideas with clarity and impact. Her sessions were insightful and tailored, addressing my specific needs as a leader.

She not only helped me refine my messaging but also guided me on how to engage my audience effectively. I feel more confident in conveying complex information, and her coaching has truly made a positive difference in my professional/personal interactions.

I highly recommend her to anyone looking to elevate their communication skills.

- Shashank, a senior leader working in a leading microfinance company. Smita worked with Shashank to enhance his communication skills

Marble Surface

I recently had the privilege of participating in Smita Das's Empower Yourself coaching sessions, and I must say, it was a truly transformative experience. The insights I gained on effective communication and professional etiquette have been invaluable.

- Gopinath M, a senior sales leader. Smita coached Gopinath on executive communication skills

Marble Surface

Smita is a great coach who can cut through the noise and focus on the issue that we are dealing with. The solutions that she gives are quite effective and simple to implement too. She does not use much jargon and keeps all the session very interactive. So all queries you have can get addresses while you will learn new techniques too.

-Pankaj D, working in a leading proprietary trading firm. Smita worked with Pankaj to elevate his communication skills

Marble Surface

"Working with Smita has been a transformative experience. Her guidance and insightful observations helped me find clarity in my career path and renewed confidence in my abilities. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking direction and purpose in life."

- Kalpana, an IT corporate professional. Smita worked with Kalpana on career clarity and direction

Marble Surface

“Thank you Smita for the inspiring sessions and providing much needed direction. You have helped me both professionally as well as personally. The sessions are good balance of careful listening and quickly pointing out the crux of the situation and providing your helpful insights.

- Manika, Lawyer. Smita worked with Manika for career clarity, decision making and direction

Marble Surface