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10 things you should give up now to lead a Stress-free life!

Bhagya, a busy executive in her mid-30s, felt overwhelmed by her hectic schedule. She struggled with endless meetings, constant emails, and a never-ending to-do list. Eventually, she reached a turning point and committed to transforming her lifestyle. By letting go of certain habits, Bhagya transformed her life, finding balance and success without the constant pressure.

stress free life

Stress has become a common companion for many of us, especially in the business world. We often believe that stress is a necessary evil for success, but this couldn't be further from the truth. A stress-free life isn't about avoiding responsibilities or challenges; it's about approaching life with a different mindset and letting go of things that don't serve us.

As an executive coach who work closely with clients to help them manage their time well. I have shared ten things you should give up to lead a stress-free life. These aren't just quick fixes, but fundamental changes that can transform your approach to work and life. By letting go of these habits and thought patterns, you'll find yourself on the path to a more balanced, fulfilling, and yes, successful life.

10 Habits to Ditch Today

1. Give Up Perfectionism

Perfectionism is a silent stress-inducer. Perfectionism often creates unattainable goals, leading to ongoing frustration. Rather than chasing an impossible ideal, focus on doing your best. Embrace errors as valuable learning experiences that contribute to your personal and professional growth.

Practical tips you can try ⬇️

➡️ Set realistic goals

➡️ Celebrate small wins

➡️ Learn from mistakes instead of dwelling on them

Remember, done is better than perfect. Focus on progress, not perfection.

2. Let Go of the Need to Control Everything

Many of us believe that controlling every aspect of our lives will lead to success and reduce stress. In reality, this need for control often increases anxiety. Recognize that many circumstances lie outside your sphere of influence.

How to let go?

➡️ Focus on what you can influence

➡️ Practice delegation

➡️ Trust your team and colleagues

By letting go of the need to control everything, you'll find more peace and actually achieve better results.

3. Stop Multitasking

Contrary to popular belief, multitasking doesn't make you more productive. It increases stress and reduces efficiency. Shift your approach to tackle one task at a time.

Try these instead⬇️

➡️ Use time-blocking techniques

➡️ Prioritize tasks

➡️ Take regular breaks between tasks

Single-tasking allows you to give your full attention to each task, leading to better results and less stress.

4. Give Up the 'Yes' Habit

Saying 'yes' to every request or opportunity can quickly lead to overcommitment and stress. Develop the ability to decline opportunities or requests that don't align with your core values or priorities.

How to say 'no'?

➡️ Be clear and polite

➡️ Offer alternatives if possible

➡️ Don't feel guilty about prioritizing your well-being

Keep in mind that turning down certain things enables you to commit to what truly matters.

5. Release the Comparison Trap

Constantly comparing yourself to others is a surefire way to increase stress. Everyone's journey is unique, and what works for others might not work for you.


➡️ Focus on your own progress

➡️ Set personal goals based on your values

➡️ Celebrate others' successes without diminishing your own

By avoiding comparisons, you'll feel more content and less stressed about your own path.

6. Abandon the Myth of Work-Life Balance

The idea of perfect work-life balance often creates more stress than it solves. Instead of balance, aim for integration. Find ways to blend your work and personal life in a way that feels right for you.

Try these approaches⬇️

➡️ Set boundaries, but be flexible

➡️ Find purpose in your work

➡️ Make time for activities that recharge you

When you stop trying to perfectly separate work and life, you'll find a more natural, less stressful flow to your days.

7. Let Go of Information Overload

We're constantly bombarded with information. This overload can lead to decision fatigue and increased stress. Learn to filter information and focus on what's truly important.

How to manage information?

➡️ Limit social media use

➡️ Choose reliable news sources

➡️ Set specific times for checking emails and messages

By reducing information overload, you'll clear mental space and reduce stress.

8. Give Up the Need for Others' Approval

Constantly seeking approval from others is exhausting and stressful. While feedback is valuable, your self-worth shouldn't depend on others' opinions.

Steps to take⬇️

➡️ Define your own values and goals

➡️ Trust your judgment

➡️ Accept that you can't please everyone

When you stop seeking constant approval, you'll feel more confident and less stressed.

9. Release Negative Self-Talk

How we communicate with ourselves significantly affects our stress levels. Negative self-talk can increase anxiety and undermine our confidence. Learn to be kinder to yourself.

How to change your self-talk?

➡️ Notice negative thoughts

➡️ Challenge unrealistic beliefs

➡️ Practice self-compassion

By changing your inner dialogue, you'll build resilience and reduce stress.

10. Abandon the Busy Badge of Honour

Many of us wear busyness as a badge of honour, equating it with productivity and success. However, constant busyness leads to burnout and stress. Learn to value downtime and rest.

Try these instead⬇️

➡️ Schedule regular breaks

➡️ Prioritize sleep

➡️ Make time for hobbies and relaxation

Remember, productivity isn't about being busy all the time. It's about making meaningful progress towards your goals.

The Last word: Adopt a Stress-free Life: Your Path Forward

Leading a stress-free life means changing your mindset and letting go of unhelpful habits. Begin with small steps, be patient with yourself, and keep in mind that it's a gradual process.. Like Bhagya, you can find a new way of working and living that's more productive and enjoyable.

A stress-free life is within your reach. It starts with the decision to let go of what no longer serves you. Your future, less-stressed self will thank you for taking these steps today.

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Smita D Jain is a Certified Executive Coach, Personal Empowerment Life Coach, and NLP Practitioner. Smita’s ‘Empower Yourself’ Executive Coaching Programs enable introverted executives to speak with confidence and communicate with impact so that they emerge leaders faster than envisaged. Smita's Empower Yourself blog has been featured in Feedspot's list of Top 25 Indian Life Coach Blogs You can learn more about Smita’s ‘Empower Yourself’ Coaching Programs by visiting, and book a complimentary strategy session with her at

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